
“To keep the body in good health is a duty…otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.”

- B U D D H A

Fresh, natural and invigorating, green is the colour of Health.

Health is nourishing our body with everything it needs to stay well and strong. 

It’s sleep and superfoods, healing and hydration, vitamins, vegetables, pilates, posture, whole-grain, multi-grain…and so much more!

Health is the superpower that lets us take on the world! 

Take sleep.  When we get enough shuteye, we feel energised and in control and are an all-round nicer, less cranky human being (cue sighs of relief from those around us). 

A good workout clears out the mental dross and resets the mind much like a shower does the body; we feel confident, motivated, ready for anything. 

And we all know that what we eat wields enormous influence on our moods and emotions throughout the day. 

As Joseph Pilates put it simply, “Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness”.