
Stable, sensible and reliable, dark blue is the colour of Order.

Order is having our ducks in a row and being on top of life. 

It’s tasks, tidying and to-do lists, prepping and plans, diaries, deadlines and de-cluttering, routine and responsibility, mental loads and laundry loads, keeping track of time and keeping life ticking over. 

Order may not be the sexiest of the Rainbowtarian Colors but without it, none of the others can flourish.  Order is our way of coping in an unpredictable world.  If we don’t stay on top of things, plates drop: bills go unpaid, we miss important events, fall behind, let people down and chase our tail…our wellbeing tanks as we lose our grip and feel increasingly out of control.

Knowing things are in order puts us at ease.  Familiar routines make us feel safe.  Order gives us headspace and a springboard from which to flourish and focus on the more meaningful things in life - like making our dreams a reality!

“Order is one of the needs of life which, when it is satisfied, produces a real happiness”

- M A R I A M O N T E S S O R I