
“We rise by lifting others up.”

- R O B E R T I N G E R S O L L

Pure, clean and innocent, white is the colour of Kindness.

Kindness is being good to yourself and to the world. 

It’s everything from checking in on a friend having a tough time and volunteering at a food bank to treating yourself to a day off and doing your bit for the planet.  So much more too!

As well as uplifting others, kindness supercharges our own wellbeing.  It distracts us from fretting about our own problems and shows us we can make a difference.  And that warm, uplifting feeling that washes over us when we do a good deed? It’s called ‘helper’s high’, and is triggered by the release of feel-good hormones. 

Being an all-round good egg means we can hold our head high and walk around with a pure heart and clean conscience.  When we’re kind to ourselves, we feel better and less resentful towards the world so have greater capacity for kindness to others.  Win-win!